1. Grumpy, irritable and comfort eating?


      OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis week there has been much written in the press about mental health, but something which is less touched on is a SAD; temporary condition which affects millions of people worldwide throughout the winter months.

      SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a condition which can have a profound effect on mood, and mental health from late autumn until the spring. Symptoms can include tearfulness, stress and anxiety, lack of concentration, irritability, feelings of low-esteem and worthlessness and general despair, and in severe cases sufferers can feel suicidal. A lack of sleep can often be a major issue, and it can also influence appetite, immunity and production of feel good hormones such as serotonin, which help us feel positive and motivated.

      The main cause is the lack of sunlight, which causes the brain to produce more melatonin; a hormone which helps us sleep at night. Melatonin production is triggered by the brain as darkness sets in, and then cortisol is produced as daylight emerges to help us feel awake and active, so longer darker days can cause hormone imbalance which can impact on many facets of our well being. This hormone shift can encourage comfort eating and binging, blood sugar imbalance leading to mood swings, and weight gain. Another side effect can be an impaired immune system, which can explain why we are so susceptible to colds and flu at this time of year.

      So what can you do to beat the winter blues?

      • Help support your gut health by cutting back on sugary foods such as refined carbohydrates (cakes, biscuits, pasta, bread and potatoes), and foods we tend to be more intolerant to such as wheat and dairy. Switch white rice and bread for brown rice, grains and wheat germ. Sweet potatoes are a filling and good alternative to white varieties.
      • Reduce stimulants; caffeine, alcohol and chocolate might offer a quick fix when you need a pick me up, but they can trigger cravings and play havoc with your blood sugar levels and brain function in the longer run.
      • Increase your fruit and vegetable portions to boost your vitamin and mineral intake to support your immune system.
      • Boiled eggs brighton hove nutrition wellbeingEggs are the perfect winter fast food. Plenty of ways to cook them; they are cheap, nutritious and rich in Vitamin D and choline and which supports the brain.
      • Essential fats are vital for your brain function so include oily fish, nuts and seeds and olive oil.
      • Look for foods that will help you produce serotonin. Turkey, chicken, fish, avocados, bananas and beans will help. These are also rich in Vitamin D to help make up for lack of sunlight.
      • Get outside in the daylight as much as you can. Take time at lunchtime to leave your desk and go for a walk. If that’s isn’t feasible, look for daylight bulbs to use in your office or home.

      bean soup01

      Finally, comfort eating is fine if you choose the right options. One pot dishes such as bean and vegetable stews, shepherds pies, fish pies, or curries will give you nutritious filling meals to keep you going until the days start getting much longer!

      So, if your friends, family or colleagues are grumpy and irritable this winter, a good place to start is with their diet. After all, as Paul Theroux once wrote “Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”





      Diary of a Metabolic Detox – Day 4

      Day 4, and so far things seem to be going well.

      need a bigger kitchen!Admittedly this programme has taken a degree of planning and preparation, but thank goodness for great health food shops in Brighton & Hove! Infinity Foods makes life so much easier and local grocers and supermarkets are now also stocking much more variety when it comes to alternative flours and unusual vegetables, so it’s more a question of being organised! My kitchen has transformed into a healthy mini-mart, but a good distraction for the weekend could be a kitchen cupboard clear out.

      This isn’t intended as a weight management exercise, but my clothes are definitely feeling looser, which is very motivating. More importantly, I have been sleeping very deeply, my mind feels clearer and I’m waking up quickly and with plenty of energy, so I seem to be getting through so much more during the day.

      The hard part is planning meals. I have all the ingredients and plenty of menus, supplied both by the organisers but delicious quinoa porridge with cinnamon apple raspberriesalso other participants who are kindly sharing theirs on the group Facebook page we are using; but fitting the meal preparation into a busy working day needs a bit of organisation. I have to say though, the results have been fun and I’ve tried all sorts of things which I have never sampled before. (Admission to former clients – I had never actually tried quinoa porridge before, but it’s genuinely delicious!)

      The other challenge is planning meals whilst away from home – a reality for most of us face on a regular basis, and one of my biggest this week. Again pre-planning so the key here. Work out where you are likely to be, and the options you will have available. If eating out in a restaurant, it is usually possible to look at the menu online before you go. This helps your brain engage with the choices you want to make and helps avoid making hasty bad decisions when faced with the waiter and his notebook. When heading out for a day’s work, take prepared food and snacks to avoid the temptation of the local sandwich shop or garage.

      The foods, meals and supplements we are working have all been carefully selected to support the liver and gut with their natural processes of removing waste matter and toxins from the body. If these aren’t efficiently removed they can cause all sorts of problems such as IBS, bloating, PMS and a range of other hormone-associated complaints; so this really is the basis of achieving good health.


      As for today; lunch will be an avocado salad (full of essential fats and Vitamin E) and tonight I’m aiming for something creative using chicken.

      Watch this space, and visit my Pinterest and Facebook pages to see what I come up with. (with apologies to any proper cooks out there!)

       If you have any detox recipes you would like to share, send them through and I will post my favourite on my recipe page.

      Fridge leftover salad rocket, spinach, watercress, avocado, slcied pear, bean sprouts and tomato. Sprinkled with pomegranate and walnuts, & drizzled with flax seed oil P.S. This is the avocado salad I came up with – from anything I could find in the fridge, which ended up comprising:

      A mix of spinach, rocket and watercress; sliced avocado, tomatoes, bean sprouts, sliced pear, walnuts and pomegranate seeds; all drizzled with flax seed oil.

      Slightly off-menu but it worked for me!

      “Go on – have another one; it’s Christmas!”

      How familiar does that sound?

      As we approach the festive party season, I know many people dread being faced with the onslaught of food and drink that some find hard to avoid.

      The local supermarkets and shops are already filled with mountains of tempting treats; the most tempting are of course, high in saturated fat and laden with sugar, positioned conveniently at the check-out queue!

      But why is it that at Christmas we feel the need to buy a huge tin of chocolates ‘just in case anyone pops in’, or gigantic bags of nuts and crisps ‘for that unexpected drinks guest.’ How many times do they get eaten before a guest has even crossed the threshold, so then you go and buy another one (or fall victim to the Buy One, Get One Free’ offer) We are led to believe by the advertisers that we need to have a siege ‘stock up now for Christmas’ mentality – despite the fact that the shops never seem to close so we can always pop out and get something if someone does appear unannounced.

      Added to the struggle are the office temptations – the mince pies at tea break, chocolates given in the Secret Santa gift exchange  – these all add up and add hundreds, if not thousands of calories to our daily consumption well before the big day arrives. Then there are the Christmas parties – buffet’s laden with pastries, crisps, quiches and that’s before the alcohol (that extra half bottle of wine = 250 calories; 1 pint of beer = 150-200 calories – add them up!)

      Then there’s Christmas Day itself when at least a third of us eat over 7,000 calories in one day alone – some many more. In fact, the British Dietetic Association estimated last year that the average Briton gained per person was around half a stone!

      Add to that the lack of sleep from preparations and partying, and the stress of planning the family festivities; it’s easy to see why the comfort food looks tempting.

      Little surprise therefore  that the pounds pile on over just a few weeks and many are left feeling fat, unhealthy and bloated by the end of the holiday, and suffering one big nasty hangover (and that’s just what’s hanging over the trouser belt!)

      With a little careful planning, sensible and restrained shopping and a bit of motivation and confidence, you can avoid this over-consumption and kick start your New Year resolutions early. Think of the money you will save as well – put it towards a new outfit in the January sales to celebrate your achievement!

      Help is at hand! Come along to our Christmas healthy eating workshop on Thursday 29 November in Brighton to pick up some tips and advice on what to avoid, tasty but healthy swaps you can make, and give you the confidence to say ‘no!’ Click here for more information and to book or contact me for more information.



      Switching back the clocks: The importance of sleep to our health


      This weekend the clocks turn back and British Summertime ends. Whilst we  all look forward to an extra hour in bed on Sunday, it is worth remembering the health benefits of a good night’s sleep.

      Sleep is an essential function for us and is a time when our body cells are able to repair and regenerate. Our wake/sleep cycle is controlled by our own internal body clock called our Circadian Rhythm which, like the earth’s rotation, follows approximately a 24 hour cycle. This Circadian timing  is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain which behaves like an internal pacemaker, synchronising this cycle throughout all our cells, tissue and organs.

      External cues such as solar light, temperature, exercise and meal times also helps with this synchronisation process and these need to adapt as the seasons and external influences change.

      Circadian Rhythm timing can, however, change from one person to the next, although the average phase lasts for 24.2 hours. We most notice disruption to this process when we fly long distance and travel rapidly through time zones and can experience jet lag, which is a symptom of the body misaligning with the destination time and trying to re-synchronise. People who work shifts or struggle with insomnia can also suffer, and in all situations a range of psychological and emotional problems can emerge, including depression, anxiety, infertility, excessive sleepiness, hormonal disruption and gastro-intestinal diseases. These can also create social problems such as an inability to perform at work and stress in relationships.

      A number of treatments are available aimed at managing these disorders by working at re-synchronising the body’s internal mechanisms, and these include timed light therapy, timed vigorous exercise, and supplementation with melatonin (only available on prescription in the UK). Acupuncture, acupressure and homeopathy have also been suggested as effective alternative therapies but nutrition is also thought to play an important role in the quality and quantity of your sleep.

      Now that winter is closing in and we have longer nights to enjoy, it is worth trying to build more sleep into your routine. Whilst everyone varies, an average an adult needs between 7.5 and 9 hours of quality sleep to perform well during the day, whilst a teenager often needs between 8.5 and 10 hours.

      Some of the main benefits of a decent night’s sleep are:

      • An improved immune system. Much of our repair and regrowth happens whilst we are asleep, so a chronic lack of sleep could contribute to an increase in anything from colds and flu to heart disease, hormonal imbalance and diabetes.
      • Reduced inflammation: During sleep we release lower levels of inflammatory proteins which can help support our heart and immune systems and also be beneficial for any pain and inflammatory issues such as arthritis.
      • Weight loss support: Our metabolism is thought to improve whilst we sleep so use the time to burn off more calories without even trying! Healthy diet and exercise during waking hours are obviously key factors as well!
      • Reduced stress: Blood pressure and cholesterol levels are thought to be lower at night.
      • Improved memory:Harvard study suggests our brain processes information whilst we are asleep so use the time to help consolidate anything you have learned during the day.

       For more information about how to manage your health through diet and    lifestyle changes if you work shifts or struggle with sleep problems, contact us.



      Fighting the germs in the workplace

      A study reported in HR Magazine recently suggested that the average employee now has 7.7 days absence, costing £673 each per annum.. Two thirds of those days occurred across the winter cold and flu season and this can have a major negative impact on any workforce, but small businesses in particular.

      Now that the coughs and sneezes are starting to circulate, what can you do to prepare yourself, your business and your colleagues, and try and avoid becoming part of these statistics?

      Hygiene in the workplace is a key issue with a significant number of germs being spread around office equipment and in places like communal kitchens. The close proximity of workers, and the unavoidable commute to work for many, is also problematic.

      Whilst coming into contact with the germs may be unavoidable, a poor diet is one of the immune system’s greatest enemies, so the best preparation you can have is to build your immunity ready to fight off the germs, and eating the right foods can help significantly. Once the immune system has started to break down, it has to fight harder to fend off the bugs and is more likely to succumb repeatedly over the winter leaving you vulnerable to every germ circulating.

      In an earlier blog I talked about specific nutrients which can help build the immune system naturally. Here are some tips to making small but important changes:

      •  Fill your shopping basket with a wide variety of coloured fruits and vegetables which are rich in Vitamins A, C and E, and phytonutrients which all help your immune system function to optimal effect. Rosehips have a very high concentration of Vitamin C, so look for the rosehip syrup we used to be given in childhood. Start your day with a  mug of hot water and a squeeze of lemon to further boost Vitamin C levels.
      • Mineral-rich foods are also important since zinc, selenium and calcium are vital immune boosters. Zinc in particular works alongside Vitamin C to help increase the white blood cell count to fight the invading germs. Great sources of these minerals are Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds (a handy between-meal snack), whole grains, lentils, chickpeas and green leafy vegetables .
      • Choose foods with anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties such as onion, garlic, honey, ginger and Cayenne Pepper. Berries are also included amongst these, so enjoy the seasonal cranberries and also look for frozen blueberries which you can de-frost overnight and add to your porridge or muesli in the morning.
      • Prebiotic foods can also help. Much of our immune system is based in our gut and is supported by gut bacteria which behave as ‘nature’s antibiotics’, so ensuring you have a healthy supply of ‘good’ bacteria over bad is important. Prebiotic foods such as chicory, artichokes, bananas, leeks, onions and whole grains help ‘feed’ the good bacteria to keep the balance healthy.
      • Herbs and spices have a multitude of health benefits such as the antimicrobial properties of turmeric, widely used  in Indian cooking.
      • Avoid too many stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and sugar which merely put a strain on your digestive system and liver and make it harder for your body to fight the bugs. Smoking is another key thing to avoid. Each cigarette destroys around 250mg of much needed Vitamin C.
      • Try to get as much rest as possible – a significant amount of our body’s repair and growth takes place whilst we are asleep, so hibernation on those long winter nights can really help build your defences.
      • Get outside and make the most of any sunlight. Vitamin D is now thought to be a major factor in our immune health, and the sun is a one of the richest sources. When sunlight is limited, try to include more fish and eggs in your diet.


      • Keep a supply of lemon, ginger and honey at home. The acid in lemon can help destroy bacteria and heal the respiratory tract, whilst honey and ginger are both antibacterial and anti inflammatory, so a hot honey, ginger  and lemon drink can be very soothing. Cinnamon is also stimulating and warming and can help ease aching muscles, and elderflower can induce perspiration to reduce a fever.  Add fresh elderflower heads to boiling water and stir in honey and a slice of lime.                    
      • Take some Echinacea – a powerful herb which acts as an immune stimulant and natural antibiotic. Trials reported in The Lancet indicated that those taking Echinacea were 35% less likely to get a cold when directly in contact with rhinovirus than those not. It also reduced duration of colds by    1 ½  days, and when supplemented in conjunction with Vitamin C, reduced infection levels by 86%


      The temptation on long cold winter days is to resort to comfort eating, but by combining many of these immune boosting foods you can create tasty and filling family meals which are packed with nutrients and can help you fight the germs.

      Chicken soup traditionally fits the bill here, so experiment with using leftovers from your Sunday roast to best effect, or turn leftover vegetables into soups and broths. Also consider making one pot meals such as Chilli con Carne, vegetable or meat stews and curries which you can freeze and have available as healthy alternatives to shop-bought ready meals or takeaways. Fill them with vegetables, peppers, mushrooms, peppers, garlic, onions and beans for optimum nutritional value. As a side dish try making spice rice adding lime zest, sliced chilli pepper and garlic.

      ….. And don’t forget to start your day with a warming bowl of porridge; add grated cinnamon and a handful of defrosted berries for the perfect winter breakfast.


      If you are interested in improving the immune health of your family or your workplace colleagues, contact me now.