• Ingredients

            4 tbsp vegetable oil
            8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
            1 Bramley apple, peeled, cored and sliced into eight
            8 sage leaves
            8 thin rashers smoked back bacon (optional)
            Tomato salsa to serve
          • Serves

          • Cooking Time

            25-30 minutes
          • Difficulty

          • Nutritional Info

            • Chicken is a wonderful lean protein option which also supplies B vitamins (for energy), iron and zinc. • Apples – full of pectin (soluble fibre) and Vitamin C, Helps detoxify the body and stimulate the liver and kidneys. Sage is a herb with antibacterial antiviral and antiseptic properties, and a useful digestive stimulant and aid. This herb is also calming and soothing. Spinach is rich in iron and contains chlorophyll and B Vitamins to help combat fatigue.
        • Chicken and Apple Parcels

          Bacon wrapped chicken




          1. Slice open the chicken thighs, top each with a slice of apple and sage.
          2. Cook the chicken under the grill for 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally, until cooked through.
          3. (Optional) Wrap each chicken breast in a rasher of bacon.
          4. Secure with cocktail sticks.

          Serve with salad and tomato salsa or a bowl of steamed spinach or sweetcorn.

            Spinach on  white
          (Recipe courtesy of The Cook’s Choice)